privacyIDEA Enterprise Edition 3.0.1 released

Today the privacyIDEA Enterprise Edition 3.0.1 was published. It is the stable bug-fixing release for our enterprise customers which fixes problems from version 3.0. Push Token For the new push token function, errors have been fixed and operability has been improved. Add logic checking to setup of PUSH token (#1592) Remove double enrollment notification of […]

More flexible 2FA at ownCloud

The privacyIDEA ownCloud App 2.5.1 allows a more flexible Authentication with a second factor, if the user has more than one possible 2FA token…

Flexible Two-Factor Authentication at ownCloud

With the new version 2.5 of the privacyIDEA ownCloud plugin, the administrator can now decide in which case he wants users to authenticate with a second factor and when one factor is enough. The administrator can make this dependent on the IP address of the requesting client. For example, he can force access from the […]

CIO Applications Europe: Netknights achieves top international ranking

This year, the trade magazine “CIO Applications Europe” has chosen NetKnights as one of the TOP25 security companies. The editors emphasized the great success of Netknights meeting the individual needs of companies from different industries – for example the healthcare sector, where the privacyIDEA system cooperates with famos IT solutions such as Citrix, NetScaler, CiscoASA and also with many VPN and firewalls. Thus far, the print magazine is one of the leading IT media brands in Europe. Its rankings lay a special editorial focus on important technological innovations among various sectors.

privacyIDEA Credential Provider version 2.5

Today we release the version 2.5 of the privacyIDEA Credential Provider. The privacyIDEA Credential Provider requires a user to login to the Windows desktop or terminal server using a 2nd factor. The user could use his smartphone with a smartphone app, a one time password token, a Yubikey or Nitrokey to authenticate. As an alternative the authentication backend can also send an Email or text message, containing a one time code, to the user for login.


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