23. May 2019

privacyIDEA Enterprise Edition 3.0.1 released

Today the privacyIDEA Enterprise Edition 3.0.1 was published. It is the stable bug-fixing release for our enterprise customers which fixes problems from version 3.0.

Push Token

For the new push token function, errors have been fixed and operability has been improved.

  • Add logic checking to setup of PUSH token (#1592)
  • Remove double enrollment notification of PUSH token in WebUI (#1598)
  • Fix to allow spaces in Firebase configuration (#1599)
  • Add support for iOS Firebase configuration (#1608)
  • Fix to allow PUSH token enrollment, even with Label-policy (#1589)
  • Fix to mark PUSH token challenge answered in the database (#1584)

(The numbers in brackets indicate the Github-Issues)

Stable Enterpsie Edition

In addition, the following issues have been fixed or functionality has been improved:

  • Fix the validity period of the registration token (#1587)
  • Beautify the vertical alignment in the Web UI top menu (#1559)
  • Fix user cache configuration read – defaults to 0 (#1596)
  • Remove links in audit log for normal users (#1497)
  • Check UI rights for user resolvers (#1496)
  • Fix placeholder in realm dropdown in login dialog (#1498)
  • Fix enckey creation in Python 3 (#1594)
  • Allow the usage if “browserLanguage” in custom templates (#1620)
  • Open all accordions when searching for policy action (#1558)
  • Fix to hide support links also in menu (#1626)

Secure your network

Version 3.0.1 is publicly available and can be easily installed via the Python Package Index or via repositories for Ubuntu 16.04LTS and 18.04LTS.

Our enterprise customers have been informed about the updates. They also have a repository for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and an appliance application at their disposal. If you are interested in the Enterprise Edition, click here to learn more.

If you want to stay up to date, please subscribe to our newsletter.

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