

NetKnights GmbH
Ludwig-Erhard-Straße 12
D-34131 Kassel

Phone and Fax


GPG-Key: NetKnights GmbH (0x940066F2) pub

Fingerprint: 2180 4DA5 770A 5812 CA56 743E 03E4 9C42 9400 66F2

Contact form

    Your name (required)

    Your Email-Address (required)

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    Your Topic

    I want to subscribe to the newsletter, that is sent once or twice a month.

    If you want to know more about privacyIDEA and get a quote, please provide us with necessary information. Please consider yourself which information you would like to share with us in advance.

    • Do you already have a multi-factor system in use that you would like to replace? If so, which one?

    • Do you want to set up multi-factor authentication for your own employees or for external users or customers?

    • Do you already know what level of SLA you are aiming for (Small Business, Enterprise, Provider)?

    • How many users will be equipped with a second factor?

    • Which applications or accesses do you want to secure? VPN/Firewall, Windows Login, Web SSO...?

    • Do you already know which token types you want to use? Smartphone apps, Hardware tokens, Yubikeys...?

    • Of course, we are also happy to help you identify your requirements and find answers to these and other questions.

    Your message

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    Please be sure to read our privacy statement, before submitting your request.


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