9. March 2016

privacyIDEA, conferences and fairs.

Dear Reader,
today you are getting news about privacyIDEA. NetKnights will be at the Cebit fair and at the Chemnitzer Linuxtage conference. Please accept our sincere invitation.
Your NetKnights

privacyIDEA 2.10 for Univention Corporate Server

In February privacyIDEA 2.10 was released for the Univention Corporate Server. An interesting improvement is the token enrollment wizard, which allows the user to easily enroll tokens on his own. Further enhancements are the user self registration and an improved email configuration.
Read more about the Univention Corporate Server.

Preview for privacyIDEA 2.11

We are working intensely on the next version of privacyIDEA. Besides other things privacyIDEA 2.11 will come with a better RADIUS configuration. This will allow for easy migration scenarios, so that you can quickly and safely migrate from the old proprietary two factor solution to privacyIDEA.

Talks at Cebit fair 2016

Cornelius Kölbel will give talks at the Cebit, the worlds biggest IT fair. On March 14th and March 17th he will talk about two factor authentication with Open Source.

Chemnitzer Linuxtage March 19th/20th 2016

NetKnights will be at Chemnitzer Linuxtage. You may use this event for a personal contact at our booth or listen to the talk about privacyIDEA.

Latest news
26. June 2024
Auf der Suche nach neuen Kolleginnen und Kollegen
The NetKnights team had the pleasure of being part of the job fair at the University of Kassel’s Department of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science. Many interesting talks with motivated students and career starters were held.
18. June 2024
Wir feiern Jubiläum!
To celebrate the 10th anniversary of NetKnights, we celebrated our anniversary party last week at the Renthof in Kassel. Companions, coaches, employees and their partners came together to celebrate this special event. Together we looked back on 10 years of NetKnights’ history.


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