27. September 2017

Federated authentication with privacyIDEA 2.20

Today we released privacyIDEA 2.20. Packages are publically available in the Laundpad repositories for Ubuntu 14.04LTS and 16.04LTS. You can also install the new version via the Python Package Index on any other distribution.

New Features in privacyIDEA


The new federation handler allows to forward authentication requests to sibling privacyIDEA instances.

This way you can setup network structures, where brances of an enterprise or sub organizations can run their own privacyIDEA instance under their own control. Authentication requests will be handled by a central privacyIDEA instance and forwarded to the corresponding instance, where the user and the user’s tokens are managed.

This way business devisions, departments or sub contractors can manage the tokens of their own employees.

The federation handler also offers new possibilities and business models for service providers.

New token type OCRA and DisplayTAN

In version 2.20 we also added the basic token type OCRA and the special type DisplayTAN. The DisplayTAN is a hardware card, which can communitcate with a smartphone via Bluetooth LE. This way the OCRA challenge is sent to the card, the user can check the challenge data and the card will generate an OTP value as response.

OCRA is specified in RFC 6287. A common use case is signing bank transactions. This way a TAN (OTP value) can be generated in hardware, and this TAN totally depends on the transaction information. Thus privacyIDEA can be perfectly used to manage authentication and signing devices for banking scenarios. We already talked about this in a previous blog post.

Login with different login names

The LDAP resolver now allows that a user can login with different LDAP attributes. The administrator can specify the list of attributes, which may be used as login names. This way an user can choose if he will login with the sAMAccountNAme, the email address or a telephone number.

Authentication cache

The administrator can now define if and how long succesful authentication should be cached. This way it is possible for a certain amount of time to authenticate with the very same OTP value again. Yes, this is not the original idea of OTP. But certain specific applications may need such a functionality. This behaviour is specified in an authentication policy, which can also depend on time and client IP.

More functions

Many policies now allow to use resolvers in the policy definition. This way the administrator can define the behaviour of privacyIDEA depending on user groups in detail.

During the rollout process of smartphone tokens, privacyIDEA display a QR-Code to the user. If the user is in doubt, that the QR-Code may be also seen by an attacker, he can now immediately regenerate the QR-Code.

All event handler definitions can now be ordered to your needs. This way the administrator can precisely define the behaviour and reaction of privacyIDEA.

The conditions of event handlers may now contain times and time deltas.

Challenge Response tokens can now be used to unlock the UI.

While installing Ubuntu packages, a PGP key pair is generated. The public PGP key can be easily used to encrypt the seed files before importing tokens.

You can find a complete changelog at Github.

Enterprise Edition and Consultancy

NetKnights provides consulting and support with the privacyIDEA Enterprise Edition. Using Open Source you optimize your total cost of ownership this way, that there are no external limitations which dictate how long or short your may use the software. Getting the privacyIDEA Enterprise Edition including an SLA you get the warranty and thus operating safety.

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Latest news
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We are happy to announce that our founder Cornelius Kölbel will give a talk about privacyIDEA at FOSS North in Gothenburg. privacyIDEA enables IT departments to manage different tokens for multiple users and provides strong security for e.g. employee notebooks.
13. March 2025
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