The Open Source Multi Factor Authentication system privacyIDEA is used by many users. NetKnights provides consultancy and support in different kind of subscription levels. Customers now receive more services with the privacyIDEA Enterprise Edition. These will be available by end of June.
Additional, stable packages
With every release the privacyIDEA project releases installation packages for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and 16.04 LTS on the Ubuntu Launchpad repository. NetKnights’ Support customers will get additional access to an enterprise repository. Those packages will be available a few weeks after the release of the project packages. The enterprise packages contain bug fixes of possible bugs that might have occurred after the official release. The enterprise repository allows customers to easily update to newer versions. Thus support customers have an easy possibility to automatically update to the latest stable version.
The enterprise packages will be available for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and CentOS 7.
Applicance functionalities
Within the enterprise repository customers will also find a tool, that provides several appliance functionalities. This way the administrator does not need to type in any commands to the command line interface and does not need edit any configuration files.
To allow for best robustness and avoid additional attack vectors, the appliance-tool goes without a web interface, a database and configuration file templates. This also allows still the experienced administrator to edit configuration files directly.

The privacyIDEA appliance-tool covers the following topics:
- Base configuration of the privacyIDEA service as used in the file pi.cfg,
- manage administrative realms,
- manage local token administrators,
- configuring the RADIUS server and especially the RADIUS clients,
- configuring the master master replication of the MySQL server,
- automatic time based backups,
- manual backups and restore,
- automatic time based Audit log rotation.

Using the privacyIDEA appliance-tool the administrator can quickly and reliably fullfil daily tasks.

What customers say
[av_testimonials style=’slider’ columns=’2′ interval=’10’ font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=”]
[av_testimonial_single src=” name=’John Whitten’ subtitle=’Senior Systems Administrator, Network Manager’ link=” linktext=”]It’s not often that I find an open source package which is truly as well thought and polished as privacyIDEA.[/av_testimonial_single]
[av_testimonial_single src=” name=’Kurt Bendl’ subtitle=’Senior System Analyst’]Support from NetKnights is very good. I received actionable responses in reasonable turnaround times accompanied by code examples and patches when necessary.[/av_testimonial_single]
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