NetKnights at IT Security Expo and Congress it-sa

This year NetKnights will be at the IT Security Expo and Congress “it-sa” together with the partners bytemine and Rempartec. it-sa takes place once a year in Nuremberg, Germany in autumn. This year it is October 10th-12th 2017. During the last years up to 500 exhibitors presented new services and products in the field of IT Security. it-sa […]
Multi Factor Authentication with privacyIDEA at ownCloud X Event

On May 23rd ownCloud introduces ownCloud X to their customers. ownCloud invites you to their release event in Cologne. NetKnights will be there, too and preset how you can easily add two factor authentication with privacyIDEA via the new ownCloud Marketplace. This is a great way to protect your data with a centrally managed multi […]
NetKnights is sponsor at Chemnitzer Linux days 2017

In 2017 NetKnights again will be sponsor of the Chemnitzer Linuxtage. We are happy and grateful that so many people organize very interesting open source events on a voluntary basis! The Chemnitzer Linuxtage take place on March 11th and 12th, 2017 in Chemnitz. We will present news about privacyIDEA. We applied with two talks about […]
Two Factor Authentication for ownCloud

NetKnights provides an enterprise ready two factor authentication for ownCloud via its own App. Authentication is performed against the centrally installed privcyIDEA authentication system. Talk at Contributor Conference Cornelius Kölbel will give a talk about the flexible two factor authentication for ownCloud using privacyIDEA at this years ownCloud Contributor Conference in Berlin from September 9th-15th, […]
NetKnights at OpenRheinRuhr 2016
5.11.-6.11.2016, Oberhausen. The OpenRheinRuhr is an opensource conference in the so called “Ruhrpott”, Germany. There are roughly 30 exhibiters but several parallel tracks of talks. You get a new coffee mug (In German a “Pott”) every year and a coffee flat rate. The exhibitor hall is a former industrial hall built from bricks. Very cool. Very cool? It […]
Webcast: Easy migration of your old OTP system to privacyIDEA
Using privacyIDEA 2.11 it is extremely easy to migrate your exsting, old OTP system to privacyIDEA. privacyIDEA is the Open Source two factor authentication system. Webcast On March, 30th at 5:30 PM (CET) you will learn how to do this. Alternative German webcast There is also a webcast in German language. To register with the […]
privacyIDEA Talk at T-Dose
The video of the talk at T-Dose is available. No Need For Gemalto – do it yourself. Open Source Two-Factor-Authentication with privcacyIDEA.
privacyIDEA talk in Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Cornelius Kölbel will give a talk about Open Source Multi-Factor-Authentication solution Lösung privacyIDEA at T-Dose in Eindhoven on November, 28th, 2015. T-Dose is an annual conference about Open Source software. The talk has the slightly provoking title “No need for Gemalto – Do it yourself! Open Source two factor authentication with privacyIDEA“. Gemalto is one of the big, […]