18. November 2015

privacyIDEA talk in Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Cornelius Kölbel will give a talk about Open Source Multi-Factor-Authentication solution Lösung privacyIDEA at T-Dose in Eindhoven on November, 28th, 2015. T-Dose is an annual conference about Open Source software.

The talk has the slightly provoking title “No need for Gemalto – Do it yourself! Open Source two factor authentication with privacyIDEA“. Gemalto is one of the big, commercial player at the authentication market. But it is not necessary to rely on commerical, closed source vendors. Using privacyIDEA you get an open, transparent Open Source solution, which can be used in any scenario.

NetKnights provides enterprise level support for privacyIDEA. So there is no need…

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