13. July 2017

NetKnights at IT Security Expo and Congress it-sa

This year NetKnights will be at the IT Security Expo and Congress “it-sa” together with the partners bytemine and Rempartec.  it-sa takes place once a year in Nuremberg, Germany in autumn. This year it is October 10th-12th 2017. During the last years up to 500 exhibitors presented new services and products in the field of IT Security. it-sa attracts over 10.000 visitors every year.

News about NetKnights and privacyIDEA

Use this chance to also get all news about NetKnights and privacyIDEA first hand! Learn more about privacyIDEA Enterprise Edition, the privacyIDEA Appliance or the privacyIDEA LDAP-Proxy.

Visit us in Hall 10.1, stand 208 – right accross from Cisco Systems or make up your personal date!

Latest news
26. June 2024
Auf der Suche nach neuen Kolleginnen und Kollegen
The NetKnights team had the pleasure of being part of the job fair at the University of Kassel’s Department of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science. Many interesting talks with motivated students and career starters were held.
18. June 2024
Wir feiern Jubiläum!
To celebrate the 10th anniversary of NetKnights, we celebrated our anniversary party last week at the Renthof in Kassel. Companions, coaches, employees and their partners came together to celebrate this special event. Together we looked back on 10 years of NetKnights’ history.


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