2FA customer workshop in Kassel

NetKnights GmbH held a customer workshop in Kassel. The new privacyIDEA version 3.8 was presented to the customers and the new features were discussed. The workshop was also a good opportunity to give our customers an insight into our daily work.
NetKnights at Castle to hold un-conference

In July, the NetKnights staff went to a castle in Saxony-Anhalt to discuss topics that are not very concrete, don’t have their own Github Issue, or maybe are just still a crank.
privacyIDEA at Chemnitzer Linux Tage 2020

Once again, privacyIDEA will be at the Chemnitzer Linux Tage, CLT2020. This time Cornelius Kölbel will talk about two-factor authentication (2FA) in the Single Sign-On (SSO) context.
privacyIDEA at Southern California Linux Expo – SCaLE 18X

privacyIDEA Vortrag auf der Southern California Linux Expo (SCaLE 18X) über den Nutzen von Open Source in Zeiten von Mergers & Akquisitions
NetKnights presents Two-Factor solution privacyIDEA at business fair it-sa

NetKnights will again be exhibiting at the business fair it-sa in Nuremberg this year. From October 8th to 10th 2019, the who-is-who of German and international IT security providers will meet at the Nuremberg Exhibition Centre. Visitors will have the opportunity to get first-hand information about innovations and roadmaps of the security products. NetKnights will […]
NetKnights presents privacyIDEA at the ownCloud Conference

privacyIDEA, the two factor solution for ownCloud is presenting at the ownCloud Conference in September.
Multi factor authentication system privacyIDEA at the Texas Linuxfest

The multi factor authentication system privacyIDEA will be at the Texas Linuxfest in Dallas. There will be a talk and a workshop to learn how you can easily migrate to this sophisticated open source solution.
NetKnights at Open Source Summit Paris

NetKnights at Open Source Summit Paris with the multi-factor authentication system privacyIDEA.
NetKnights presents 2FA system privacyIDEA at it-sa

NetKnights will present privacyIDEA at the business fair it-sa. Effective new features are Pre-Event-Handling and Monitoring and Statistics, which allow the administrator to define very specific workflows and autormate tasks.
You will find privacyIDEA at the stand of ownCloud in Hall 10.0-428 – adding enterprise grade 2FA to file sync and share.
Two factor authentication for thousands of users

If a company or an organization wants to provide two factor authentication for thousands of users they are faced with totally new challenges. Users will not come to the administrators desk. The administrator will not enroll a hardware token or initialize the user’s smartphone with the Google Authenticator on a per user basis. There are […]