10. February 2020

privacyIDEA at Southern California Linux Expo – SCaLE 18X

privacyIDEA Vortrag auf der Southern California Linux Expo (SCaLE 18X) über den Nutzen von Open Source in Zeiten von Mergers & Akquisitions

privacyIDEA is an enterprise ready multi factor solution, that competes with commercial products like RSA SecurID, Vasco or SafeNet to name a few. It is used all over the world by small groups, organizations, companies and enterprises. This is why we also try to talk about privacyIDEA all over the world. To tell IT professionals who have not heart of privacyIDEA about this free (as in free speech) solution and to update users who know privacyIDEA about the latest features. Thus privacyIDEA will be at the Southern California Linux Expo (short: SCaLE 18X) in March 2020.

Talk about migrating to privacyIDEA

Cornelius Kölbel will be giving a talk in the Secuity track on March 8th, 3pm – 4pm. The talk will be about the development of the two factor auth market. Different authentication mechanism where introduced, products came and went end-of-life. Solutions being the top choice a few years ago could be dead tomorrow.

This talk will show how privacyIDEA can help you keeping a steady course in these troubled waters. Migrating to privacyIDEA easily and keeping the system running and adapting to new developments at the same time.

You can read more about challenges with mergers and akquisitions in our previous blog post.

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