privacyIDEA 2.17 – Improve Event Handling. Flexible triggering of SMS

privacyIDEA was released in version 2.17. As always NetKnights provides consultancy and service level agreements for the privacyIDEA Enterprise Edition. For more details on version 2.17 see the privacyIDEA blog.
NetKnights is sponsor at Chemnitzer Linux days 2017

In 2017 NetKnights again will be sponsor of the Chemnitzer Linuxtage. We are happy and grateful that so many people organize very interesting open source events on a voluntary basis! The Chemnitzer Linuxtage take place on March 11th and 12th, 2017 in Chemnitz. We will present news about privacyIDEA. We applied with two talks about […]
privacyIDEA 2.16 available on the Univention Corporate Server

privacyIDEA 2.16.1 is available on the Univention Corporate Server. Now customers with a UCS subscription can also update to version 2.16 and use the improve Event Handler and Web UI. In privacyIDEA4UCS we released a patch level 2.16.1, which – in comparison to 2.16 – also comes with a few LDAP improvements concerning redundancy and timeouts. […]
ownCloud Two Factor Authentication

ownCloud and privacyIDEA With ownCloud 9.1 a new authentication framework for two factor authentication provider was introduced. We implemented the privacyIDEA ownCloud App which connects ownCloud with privacyIDEA. This way you are able to use many different kinds of authentication devices like smartphones, key fob tokens, Smartdisplayer cards, Yubikeys for your users to authenticate at ownCloud. […]
privacyIDEA 2.16 – secure your data – flexible events

On November 10th privacyIDEA 2.16 was released. New Main Features privacyIDEA 2.16 comes with three new main features: Improved event handling, subscription management and improved hardware security module support. The hardware security module component was contributed by our partner AxiadIDS. You can read more about the details in 2.16 on the project page. Enterprise Edition […]
privacyIDEA 2.15 on Univention Corporate Server

[av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=”] As of last week privacyIDEA 2.15 is now available on the Univention Corporate Server. This way enterprise customers which use the flexible multi factor authentication system privacyIDEA based on UCS now get support for the authentication device Nitrokey and more flexible RADIUS integration with firewalls and VPNs. The update of privacyIDEA can be […]
privacyIDEA Enrollment Station for Yubikey and Nitrokey

Using the Yubikey and the Nitrokey with privacyIDEA is great. With the privacyIDEA admin client you can initialize the secret seeeds on both devices and thus achieving the highest trust with privacyIDEA. The vendor does not generate the seeds anymore – you do. But to initializes these devices you need some drivers on your system. This […]
privacyIDEA 2.15 with Nitrokey support

[av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=”] Version 2.15 of the Multi-Factor-Authentication system privacyIDEA supports the Nitrokey. High Trust Level using the Nitrokey The Nitrokey is an open USB device for authentication. It can be used as PGP Smartcard, password safe or OTP token. It is produced by our partner Nitrokey in Berlin, Germany. Using the PGP smartcard […]
Two-Factor-Authentication for ownCloud

Here we will show you, how you can add enterprise ready two factor authentication to your ownCloud installation. You need an ownCloud installation with a version equal or greater than 9.1. Then you need a privacyIDEA installation. For a guide of how to install these components, please refer to other documentations. There are different ways […]
Migrate LinOTP to privacyIDEA

The authentication system LinOTP 2 has been around since 2010. privacyIDEA is a fork that was introduced in 2014 which features a more modern architecture. This post explains to you, how you can easily migrate all your authentication tokens and user settings to privacyIDEA. This is done by installing privacyIDEA with a copy of all […]