3. September 2024

Multi-factor authentication privacy IDEA version 3.10 is released

The IT security company NetKnights has released version 3.10 of the professional multi-factor authentication software privacyIDEA. The organisation of tokens in containers enables user-friendly and clear management of tokens for admins and users. As a new authentication method, WebAuthn version 3.10 can now also be used offline. Furthermore, authentication using PUSH tokens has been extended.

Kassel – 03.09.2024 The IT security company NetKnights has released version 3.10 of the professional multi-factor authentication software privacyIDEA. The organization of tokens in containers enables user-friendly and clear token management. As a new authentication method, WebAuthn can now also be used offline in version 3.10. Furthermore, authentication using PUSH tokens has been extended. The new version is now available via the Python Package Index and in the community repositories for Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04.

Support of WebAuthn Offline Token

A new feature is the support of WebAuthn tokens for offline authentication. With the implementation of WebAuthn offline tokens, users can authenticate themselves securely independently of their location, e.g. with their laptop while on the train. The tokens can be used offline across devices, whereby the functionality of the tokens is maintained in the same way in online mode. This contributes to seamless integration into existing IT security structures and optimizes user flexibility.

Token Management through cointainers

In version 3.10 of privacyIDEA, users can organize their authentication tokens in containers. These offer a clear method for organizing and managing tokens. This new function allows users to structure their tokens according to different characteristics and group them together in a container. For example, it is possible to organize professional and private tokens separately or to combine tokens for certain applications in one container. The containers thus help to create a clearer structure and make it easier to manage the tokens.

Creation of a container in privacyIDEA.
Overview of a container including the contained tokens.

PUSH-Login extended

Authentication via PUSH token has been extended in version 3.10 of privacyIDEA. A letter or number is displayed in privacyIDEA during authentication using a PUSH token. At the same time, a selection of different letters or numbers appears in the Authenticator app. The correct answer must then be selected for successful authentication. This additional security measure is optional and can also be applied to existing PUSH tokens.

All further changes are listed in detail in the changelog on GitHub. At this point, all components of privacyIDEA are also being further developed as open source software under the AGPLv3 under the leadership of NetKnights GmbH.

Extended PUSH login process via the privacyIDEA Authenticator App.


The new version 3.10 of privacyIDEA is now available via the Python Package Index and in the community repositories for Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04. In addition, NetKnights GmbH offers the Enterprise Edition with support for Ubuntu LTS, RHEL 8 and 9 as well as derivatives and an appliance tool and carries out contract development for special requirements.

About privacyIDEA

privacyIDEA is an open source multi-client and multi-instance capable system for multi-factor authentication. It is developed transparently on Github. Installations and updates are easily possible via the Python Package Index or via repositories for Ubuntu. A few weeks after the respective community major release, NetKnights GmbH publishes a stable enterprise release for Ubuntu LTS and RHEL/CentOS.

Further information on the latest developments relating to privacyIDEA can be found at https://netknights.it/en/.

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