1. July 2022

NetKnights in search of new colleagues

Once a year, the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Kassel organizes a company fair. NetKnights used this opportunity to exchange ideas with interested students.

Once a year, the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Kassel organizes a company fair. NetKnights was part of this fair together with 27 other companies from the Kassel area on June 28, 2022.

Looking for new colleagues to enrich the team, interesting conversations were held and first contacts were made. In summery temperatures we could not only score with the topic Open Source, but also with our fan. Besides students who are interested in a job besides their studies or who are looking for a start into the professional world after their studies, there was also an exchange with other exhibitors.

Thanks to Mensa food and coffee from the cafeteria, we felt a bit more student-like again for a day.

Interested in a job at NetKnights? All job advertisements, whether for students, graduates or experienced professionals, can be found here.

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