24. November 2023

NetKnights Customer Day 2023

In November, NetKnights invited their customers to Kassel to talk about privacyIDEA. For a whole day, multi-factor authentication was discussed in the Villa Salve, near the famous Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe. The customer day was also a platform for customers to network with each other and get to know the faces behind privacyIDEA.

NetKnights Customer Day 2023 at the Villa Salve

The second NetKnights Customer Day took place at the Villa Salve, near the famous Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe, at the beginning of November. In a relaxed atmosphere, the topic of multi-factor-authentication with privacyIDEA was discussed for a whole day.

The day was centered around the open source software privacyIDEA, which is continuously being developed by NetKnights. The current version 3.9 and new features were discussed in detail. There were also insights into the plans for the development of upcoming versions, privacyIDEA plugins and the authenticator app.

There was a particular focus on open dialogue with our customers on this day. They were given the opportunity to explain their experiences of using privacyIDEA and were offered a platform to ask their questions. The resulting discussions and constructive feedback were very important for us and provided valuable impulses for the further development of privacyIDEA.

During the afternoon, an unconference was held on different topics that the participants were able to define themselves. This allowed to focus more specifically on various topics such as SSH keys or WebAuthn.

One participant from Darmstadt University commented on the NetKnights Customer Day as follows:

"I enjoyed the open and constructive atmosphere. It was great that Mr. Kölbel and his colleagues gave exciting insights into plans and considerations for the development of the software and its new features. We were also able to ask our questions directly to the responsible colleages from support and server development and get them clarified on site."

We truly appreciate such a positive feedback and would like to thank our customers for their participation and contributions.

One thing is certain: The next customer day will come and we are already looking forward to it!

© Villa Salve
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