11. December 2023

NetKnights at the Open Source Experience

In December, two colleagues represented our company NetKnights and our innovative multi-factor authentication software privacyIDEA at the Open Source Experience in Paris. At their own booth, they informed visitors about the many possible use cases and advantages of privacyIDEA.

Introducing privacyIDEA in Paris

In December, two of our team members represented our company NetKnights and the innovative multi-factor authentication software privacyIDEA at the Open Source Experience in Paris.
At their own booth, they informed visitors about the many possible applications and use cases of privacyIDEA.

The Open Source Experience is an important international event that attracts IT experts, developers and open source enthusiasts every year. Our colleagues took the opportunity to make new contacts, exchange views on current trends in open source software and raise awareness of Multi Factor Authentication with privacyIDEA.

We are very proud to have had the chance to present our company and privacyIDEA at the Open Source Experience.

A big thank you to our colleagues who represented our booth at the Open Source Experience with professionalism and commitment. We are already looking forward to future events and opportunities to promote our company and privacyIDEA internationally.

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