7. December 2017

Transaction signature and federated authentication with privacyIDEA4UCS 2.20.1

The privacyIDEA Enterprise Edition version 2.20.1 is now available for Univention Corporate Server. You can install or update privacyIDEA 2.20.1 on the UCS easily from the Univention App Center.

Please note that the subscription handling was changed in privacyIDEA4UCS. You now no longer need a special license file but the common subscription file, which is used with the common privacyIDEA Enterprise Edition. Existing clients already received the new subscription file. If you are running tests in a demo environment, you can create your own demo subscription file for privacyIDEA4UCS.

OCRA, Display-TAN and Federation in privacyIDEA 2.20.1

We already posted about the common release of privacyIDEA version 2.20.1. Now also customers running privacyIDEA on UCS can use the awesome new features:

New token types OCRA token and the Display-TAN card are not supported. In contrast to classic authentication scenarios the OCRA token also allows the signing of transaction data. Using an OCRA token the user can testify, that the data set he is sending is correct. The recepient can cryptographically verify, that the received data is still valid and unmodified. This can be used in banking scenarios and other applications, where data must not be modified.

A second main feature is the federation handler. This allows to forward special authentication requests to other, subordinate privacyIDEA systems. This is interesting for federated organizations and infrastructures. Departments may run their own privacyIDEA systems. A central privacyIDEA system in the orgnization can then forward the authentication requests to the corresponding departments.

A complete changelog can be found here.

Get your personal subscription file for privacyIDEA4UCS!

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