privacyIDEA Enterprise Edition 2.22.1

The privacyIDEA Enterprise Edition 2.22.1 comes with a few minor bug fixes in the Web UI and the server. Problems with OCRA and TiQR tokens were fixed. The usage of unicode in the resolver config with Oracle databases was fixes. A better error handling in the code for Hardware Security Modules makes this usage even more reliable.

privacyIDEA Enterprise Edition 2.21.1

Today we released the stable version 2.21.1 of the privacyIDEA Enterprise Edition. The Enterprise Edition as version 2.X.1 is released a few weeks after the corresponding major public release and contains necessary bug fixes. You can read about the features of version 2.21 like the secure smartphone enrollment in our previous blog post. Version 2.21.1 […]

privacyIDEA 2.20.1 Enterprise Edition released

Today we released the stable version 2.20.1 of the privacyIDEA Enterprise Edition. The Enterprise Edition as version 2.X.1 is released a few weeks after the corresponding major public release and contains necessary bug fixes. We already wrote about version 2.20. Version 2.20.1 now fixes some minor bugs: When using PostgreSQL database the administrator can now […]

Enhanced services for privacyIDEA Enterprise Edition

The Open Source Multi Factor Authentication system privacyIDEA is used by many users. NetKnights provides consultancy and support in different kind of subscription levels. Customers now receive more services with the privacyIDEA Enterprise Edition. These will be available by end of June. Additional, stable packages With every release the privacyIDEA project releases installation packages for […]

Safeword 2008 / SAM Express End of Life

Migrating SAMx provides a new chance Safeword 2008 aka SAMx (SafeNet Authentication Manage Express) is going End-of-Life. SafeNet will stop providing support for SAMx by the end of 2017. In November 2016 (4 months from now!) they already will stop selling licenses for SAMx. I.e. if your company has 2000 SafeWord 2008 users and you […]


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