23. May 2016

privacyIDEA applies for Open Source Business Award


The German Open Source Business Award (also called OSBAR) is awarded by the  Open Source Business Alliance. The Open Source Business Alliance in a German association of companies providing and working with Open Source solutions with about 200 members. The OSBAR is looking for innovative open source projects and ideas which provide a crucial benefit to companies and institutions of the public sector.


We believe that the open source project privacyIDEA covers these requirements. Compared to ordinary or classical OTP systems, privacyIDEA implements a lot of new ideas and thus allows for elegant solutions in your network.

This is why NetKnights applied with the project privacyIDEA for the Open Source Business Award. You may read the German application. privacyIDEA_OSBAR_2016

Latest news
25. March 2025
We are happy to announce that our founder Cornelius Kölbel will give a talk about privacyIDEA at FOSS North in Gothenburg. privacyIDEA enables IT departments to manage different tokens for multiple users and provides strong security for e.g. employee notebooks.
13. March 2025
The NetKnights team participated in the SCaLE 22x in Pasadena and presented the innovative multi-factor authentication solution privacyIDEA. The SCaLE offered numerous opportunities for exciting discussions. Visitors appreciated the possibility to run privacyIDEA on premise, which offers additional security and control.


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