Announcement: privacyIDEA at FOSS North 2025

We are happy to announce that our founder Cornelius Kölbel will give a talk about privacyIDEA at FOSS North in Gothenburg. privacyIDEA enables IT departments to manage different tokens for multiple users and provides strong security for e.g. employee notebooks.

NetKnights at SCaLE22x

The NetKnights team participated in the SCaLE 22x in Pasadena and presented the innovative multi-factor authentication solution privacyIDEA. The SCaLE offered numerous opportunities for exciting discussions. Visitors appreciated the possibility to run privacyIDEA on premise, which offers additional security and control.

privacyIDEA at FOSDEM 2025 in Brussels

privacyIDEA was part of FOSDEM 2025 in Brussels at the beginning of February. There, interested visitors were able to learn more about open source MFA and the possible applications of privacyIDEA.

About privacyIDEA and the support of NetKnights

Are you considering using privacyIDEA in your company and getting support from NetKnights? In this blog post, we would like to tell you more about our privacyIDEA software and what differentiates it from other MFA solutions.

The first privacyIDEA Summit 2024

On Tuesday, October 15, 2024, the moment had finally arrived: NetKnights GmbH hosted the first privacyIDEA Summit in Kassel. Customers and partners from all over Germany and Austria accepted the invitation and met for a day full of exciting discussions about privacyIDEA, multi-factor authentication and current IT security topics.

10 years of NetKnights

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of NetKnights, we celebrated our anniversary party last week at the Renthof in Kassel. Companions, coaches, employees and their partners came together to celebrate this special event. Together we looked back on 10 years of NetKnights’ history.

NetKnights Unconference 2024

Every year, the NetKnights team leaves Kassel for several days to hold an unconference. This time, they went to Hohenroda to discuss topics that don’t get enough room in everyday business life and to spend time together as a team.

NetKnights at SCaLE 21x

In March, three colleagues visited the Southern California Linux Expo in Pasadena to present privacyIDEA and NetKnights. Cornelius Kölbel, founder of NetKnights, also gave a presentation on “A decade of Open Source”.


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