Simple enterprise ready 2FA for ownCloud X

A few days ago ownCloud introduced the new market place. Using the market place ownCloud adminsitrators can easily and quickly install ownCloud apps. The privacyIDEA ownCloud App by NetKnights is one of the first available apps in the market place. Using the privacyIDEA ownCloud App companies and organizations can secure the login to ownCloud with […]
Two factor authentication everywhere with privacyIDEA LDAP-Proxy

In order to secure the login process with two factor authentication in an application there are different approaches. Two-Factor-Authentication via standard protocols and plugins With privacyIDEA we used standard protocols like RADIUS and SAML. If the application that you need to protect can facilitate RADIUS or SAML, the validate of the second factor can be […]
privacyIDEA Enrollment Station for Yubikey and Nitrokey

Using the Yubikey and the Nitrokey with privacyIDEA is great. With the privacyIDEA admin client you can initialize the secret seeeds on both devices and thus achieving the highest trust with privacyIDEA. The vendor does not generate the seeds anymore – you do. But to initializes these devices you need some drivers on your system. This […]
Two-Factor-Authentication for ownCloud

Here we will show you, how you can add enterprise ready two factor authentication to your ownCloud installation. You need an ownCloud installation with a version equal or greater than 9.1. Then you need a privacyIDEA installation. For a guide of how to install these components, please refer to other documentations. There are different ways […]
Migrate LinOTP to privacyIDEA

The authentication system LinOTP 2 has been around since 2010. privacyIDEA is a fork that was introduced in 2014 which features a more modern architecture. This post explains to you, how you can easily migrate all your authentication tokens and user settings to privacyIDEA. This is done by installing privacyIDEA with a copy of all […]
NPS 2012 for two factor authentication with privacyIDEA

The Microsoft Network Policy Server (NPS) is the Microsoft RADIUS server. It also provides additional services like Network Access Protection (NAP) and quarantine. This integration guide will lead you step by step through the process of configuring NPS to work with privacyIDEA. Network overview Your setup might look like this or be a bit different. We […]
Migrating a proprietary OTP / two factor solution
Easy migration of an existing OTP system to privacyIDEA Often customers decide to switch their existing, proprietary OTP / two factor authentication system. They do it for several reasons. The existing system is to old and they get no useful updates anymore. Often the existing system is not flexible enough. The tokens, which run with this system, […]
Additional Service for privacyIDEA support customers: CentOS 7 repository
We are enhancing the services for the support levels for privacyIDEA. Services for Support Customers Depending on the Service Level Agreement support customers already receive interesting services. Thanks to these services privacyIDEA is ready for the use in enterprise environments. NetKnights guarantees the functionality of the software. This way support customers do not need to […]
Two Factor Authentication and SSO with privacyIDEA and SAML
privacyIDEA works well with the Univention Corporate Server. In a guest blog article on the Univention Blog Cornelius Kölbel describes how privacyIDEA increases Single Sign On Security with Two Factor Authentication.