Two-Factor-System privacyIDEA 3.2 offers fully customizable authentication workflows

With version 3.2 of privacyIDEA, the administrator receives two new event handler modules to define rules that can modify both HTTP requests and HTTP responses of the REST API as required. This allows workflows to be highly customized. It is now possible to easily forward audit information to external log management tools such as Splunk or Logstash and process it there. The authentication at the REST-API has been extended so that a robust integration into any other application can be implemented.
Once again privacyIDEA 2.23 improves process workflows

The Multi-Factor Authentication system privacyIDEA 2.23 comes with PRE event handling, recurring tasks, monitoring and statistics. The administrator thus has a lot of tools, to automate unforeseen scenarios and avoid manuel, tedious tasks and avoid errors.
NetKnights presents 2FA system privacyIDEA at it-sa

NetKnights will present privacyIDEA at the business fair it-sa. Effective new features are Pre-Event-Handling and Monitoring and Statistics, which allow the administrator to define very specific workflows and autormate tasks.
You will find privacyIDEA at the stand of ownCloud in Hall 10.0-428 – adding enterprise grade 2FA to file sync and share.
privacyIDEA 2.22 allows flexible Authentication at VPNs and Firewalls

With privacyIDEA 2.22 we added the possibility to pass more useful userinformation to a RADIUS client like a VPN. The administrator can add a policy to include the resolver and the realm of a user who authenticated successfully. This response data can then be used in the FreeRADIUS plugin and modified by regular expressions to add any arbitrary RADIUS attribute in the RADIUS response, which then would be sent to the VPN. This additional information can be used by Cisco ASA, Citrix Netscaler or any other enterprise grade VPN to put the user into certain subnets or to assign resource to the user.
Two factor authentication for thousands of users

If a company or an organization wants to provide two factor authentication for thousands of users they are faced with totally new challenges. Users will not come to the administrators desk. The administrator will not enroll a hardware token or initialize the user’s smartphone with the Google Authenticator on a per user basis. There are […]
privacyIDEA 2.17 – Improve Event Handling. Flexible triggering of SMS

privacyIDEA was released in version 2.17. As always NetKnights provides consultancy and service level agreements for the privacyIDEA Enterprise Edition. For more details on version 2.17 see the privacyIDEA blog.
Two Factor Authentication with Event Handler Framework
privacyIDEA will provide an Event Handler Framework in the upcoming release 2.12. Policies for Two Factor Authentication Using policies you can already configure privacyIDEA in a very detailed and sophisticated manner. The administrator can define the behaviour of privacyIDEA. This way you can run privacyIDEA in many differenz scenarios and find a solution for all requirements. Policies […]