26. March 2024

NetKnights at SCaLE 21x

In March, three colleagues visited the Southern California Linux Expo in Pasadena to present privacyIDEA and NetKnights. Cornelius Kölbel, founder of NetKnights, also gave a presentation on "A decade of Open Source".

NetKnights goes international


In March, it was time for three of our employees to head off to Pasadena!
Our team visited this year’s Southern California Linux Exhibition from 14-17 March to present NetKnights and our open source software privacyIDEA for multi-factor authentication.

Our colleagues had interesting conversations at the NetKnights booth. Many visitors were surprised and enthusiastic about how flexible and versatile privacyIDEA can be used. In general, our team was able to sensitise visitors to the relevance and advantages of open source software and revise existing prejudices about it.

On Saturday, our founder, Cornelius Kölbel, gave a presentation on "A decade of open source". In his talk, he presented the history of NetKnights GmbH and the associated development of privacyIDEA. He also spoke about his career and personal insights from a decade of entrepreneurship and founding in the field of open source and software development.

The visit to SCaLE was an exciting experience for the NetKnights team. Our team was able to present privacyIDEA and the various product solutions, make new contacts and find out about current trends. We are planning to attend SCaLE again in 2025.


Until then, as an active part of the open source community, we will continue to work on developing innovative solutions in the area of multi-factor authentication with privacyIDEA.


Impressions from SCaLE 21x

About privacyIDEA

privacyIDEA is an open source multi-client and multi-instance capable system for multi-factor authentication. It is developed transparently on Github.

Further information about the latest developments around privacyIDEA can be found at: https://netknights.it/en/news/


A decade of Open Source - Watch the talk on Youtube!

Latest news
25. March 2025
We are happy to announce that our founder Cornelius Kölbel will give a talk about privacyIDEA at FOSS North in Gothenburg. privacyIDEA enables IT departments to manage different tokens for multiple users and provides strong security for e.g. employee notebooks.
13. March 2025
The NetKnights team participated in the SCaLE 22x in Pasadena and presented the innovative multi-factor authentication solution privacyIDEA. The SCaLE offered numerous opportunities for exciting discussions. Visitors appreciated the possibility to run privacyIDEA on premise, which offers additional security and control.


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