



27. February 2025
Passkeys, neue Token-Container Funktionen & RSS-Feed
The IT security company NetKnights releases version 3.11 of the professional multi-factor authentication software privacyIDEA. Extended container functions for the smartphone enable efficient synchronization and management of tokens. Passkeys are available as a new authentication method. An RSS newsfeed has also been introduced to inform administrators about updates, patches and events.
25. November 2024
Are you considering using privacyIDEA in your company and getting support from NetKnights? In this blog post, we would like to tell you more about our privacyIDEA software and what differentiates it from other MFA solutions.
1. November 2024
Time for our monthly review at NetKnights. A lot has happened: We released version 3.10.1 of privacyIDEA, organized our first privacyIDEA Summit and our development team has grown.
31. October 2024
NetKnights will be part of this year’s OLF in Ohio, which will take place on November 15 & 16. Our CEO is going to talk about passkeys and WebAuthn in an organizational context, within his talk.
17. October 2024
On Tuesday, October 15, 2024, the moment had finally arrived: NetKnights GmbH hosted the first privacyIDEA Summit in Kassel. Customers and partners from all over Germany and Austria accepted the invitation and met for a day full of exciting discussions about privacyIDEA, multi-factor authentication and current IT security topics.
3. September 2024
WebAuthn Offline & Token Container
The IT security company NetKnights has released version 3.10 of the professional multi-factor authentication software privacyIDEA. The organisation of tokens in containers enables user-friendly and clear management of tokens for admins and users. As a new authentication method, WebAuthn version 3.10 can now also be used offline. Furthermore, authentication using PUSH tokens has been extended.


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