Two-Factor-Authentication privacyIDEA 2.14 on Univention Corporate Server

privacyIDEA on Univention Corporate Server privacyIDEA 2.14 is available on the Univention Corporate Server via the AppCenter. With 2.14 the Event-Handler-Framework was improved. Administrators can now import encrypted seed files – protecting the secret seeds even better. Performance for slow LDAP and Active Directory connections was improved. Subscription and Testlicense You can get a subscription for […]
privacyIDEA 2.14 released – Improved Event Handling and Encryption
Today privacyIDEA 2.14 was released. It supports the import of encrypted seed files. The event handler framework was improved in many ways. Read more on the project website.
Two Factor Authentication for ownCloud

NetKnights provides an enterprise ready two factor authentication for ownCloud via its own App. Authentication is performed against the centrally installed privcyIDEA authentication system. Talk at Contributor Conference Cornelius Kölbel will give a talk about the flexible two factor authentication for ownCloud using privacyIDEA at this years ownCloud Contributor Conference in Berlin from September 9th-15th, […]
Lasting Two Factor Authentication with privacyIDEA

You may have read about the NIST, lately. NIST is updating its Digital Authentication Guideline. NIST NIST is the National Institute of Standards and Technologies. It is part of the Department of Commerce of the United States and works on standards which are met by several governmental institutions and and also companies. It is a physical […]
NPS 2012 for two factor authentication with privacyIDEA

The Microsoft Network Policy Server (NPS) is the Microsoft RADIUS server. It also provides additional services like Network Access Protection (NAP) and quarantine. This integration guide will lead you step by step through the process of configuring NPS to work with privacyIDEA. Network overview Your setup might look like this or be a bit different. We […]
Safeword 2008 / SAM Express End of Life

Migrating SAMx provides a new chance Safeword 2008 aka SAMx (SafeNet Authentication Manage Express) is going End-of-Life. SafeNet will stop providing support for SAMx by the end of 2017. In November 2016 (4 months from now!) they already will stop selling licenses for SAMx. I.e. if your company has 2000 SafeWord 2008 users and you […]
privacyIDEA 2.13 and community web conference
Dear reader, yesterday privacyIDEA 2.13 was released. Read more about its interesting features. You are invited to attend a privacyIDEA community web conference. What is new in privacyIDEA 2.13? New logo for privacyIDEA. privacyIDEA Appliance and setup tool eases Master-Master-replication. Article in German computer magazine iX. Community Web conference. Have fun reading Yours NetKnights What is […]
privacyIDEA 2.13 with better PIN policy enforcement
privacyIDEA 2.13 was released. It features a better PIN policy enforcement and improved SMS handling. You can read more on the privacyIDEA blog. Go and test privacyIDEA 2.13 or ask for an online demonstration. You may also book your presonal two factor workshop to discuss and plan your scenarios. Secure your accounts by getting privacyIDEA […]
New service and new prices for privacyIDEA SLA
Full Application Security Review In addition to the continuous unit tests, code reviews and integration tests NetKnights is going to conduct a full application security review on the OTP and two factor authentication system privacyIDEA. This review will be done by prestigious external security experts. Moreover, it is planned to renew parts of this review on […]
privacyIDEA 2.12 and upcoming events
Dear reader, privacyIDEA 2.12 is available since last week. Read more about the new features. In addition NetKnights attends two interesting open source conferences in Germany. What is new in privacyIDEA? Authentication talk at open source conferences privacyIDEA applies for Open Source Business Award Have fun reading Yours NetKnights What is new in privacyIDEA 2.12? […]