Multi-Factor-Authentication at the Windows desktop – also on the road
As of today the privacyIDEA Credential Provider is available in version 3.2. The offline functionality in regards to multiple users and multiple tokens was improved.
Multi Factor Authentication at the Windows desktop – remote or local
In the new version of the privacyIDEA Credential Provider, the administrator can now set the two-factor authentication for remote and local logins separately.
privacyIDEA Credential Provider version 2.5
Today we release the version 2.5 of the privacyIDEA Credential Provider. The privacyIDEA Credential Provider requires a user to login to the Windows desktop or terminal server using a 2nd factor. The user could use his smartphone with a smartphone app, a one time password token, a Yubikey or Nitrokey to authenticate. As an alternative the authentication backend can also send an Email or text message, containing a one time code, to the user for login.