28. March 2017

privacyIDEA 2.18.1 on RHEL7 / CentOS7

As of today privacyIDEA 2.18.1 is available for RHEL7 and CentOS7 via our package repository. Packaging privacyIDEA for CentOS 7 is a special service for our Enterprise Customers, to ease updates and bug fixes.

Existing customers can easily update to version 2.18.1. We introduced the changelog or privacyIDEA 2.18.1 earlier.

Update to privacyIDEA 2.18.1

It might be that you need to clear or recreate the Yum Cache, if yum does not find the latest version:

yum makecache

Then you can run the update:

yum update

After the update please assure, that MySQL/MariaDB and httpd are restarted:

service mariadb restart
service httpd restart
Latest news
25. March 2025
We are happy to announce that our founder Cornelius Kölbel will give a talk about privacyIDEA at FOSS North in Gothenburg. privacyIDEA enables IT departments to manage different tokens for multiple users and provides strong security for e.g. employee notebooks.
13. March 2025
The NetKnights team participated in the SCaLE 22x in Pasadena and presented the innovative multi-factor authentication solution privacyIDEA. The SCaLE offered numerous opportunities for exciting discussions. Visitors appreciated the possibility to run privacyIDEA on premise, which offers additional security and control.


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