Presentations and Publications

Below you find an overview of presentations held by Cornelius Kölbel throughout the last 10 years, as well as selected publications in magazines or online.

February: privacyIDEA at FOSDEM in Brussels, Belgium.
March: NetKnights at SCaLE 22x in Pasadena, USA
April: privacyIDEA at FOSS North in Göteburg, Sweden.
Publication at the Security Insider (German)

Topic: Connect VPN to privacyIDEA

Read the article here.

Presentation at SCaLE 21x in Pasadena

Topic: A decade of Open Source Multi Factor Authentication

Click here for to watch the video.

Presentation at OLF Conference in Colombus

Topic: The good, the bad and the ugly: Passkeys in an organizational context.

Publication in the Enterprise Security Magazine

Topic: Multi-Factor Authentication Reimagined

Read the article here.

Publication at the Security Insider (German)

Topic: How Open Source MFA works

Read the article here.

Presentation at the Security Meet-Up in Kassel, Germany

Topic: On- und Offboarding of Users

Presentation at Tuebix, Germany

Topic: Broken Authentication

Panel Talk at the IT-Security Day in Kassel, Germany

Topic: Threats in IT 2023

Presentation at Kielux, Germany

Topic: The future of MFA – How the past shapes the future

You can watch the talk on youtube, click here.

Presentation at Thomas Krenn-Event

Topic: MFA Now – How does the user gets his second factor?

OSBA Event Sweden (Online)

Topic: MFA System privacyIDEA – Meant to set customers free

You can watch the presentation here.

Kielux 2021, Germany

Topic: How can you get out of a vendor lock-in? (German)

You can watch the video here.

Gluu Webinar

Topic: Central MFA Management with privacyIDEA

You can access the presentation here.

OLF Conference (Online)

Topic: Solving Organizational MFA Challenges

You can watch the recording here.

Presentation at the FOSDEM, Belgium

Topic: Add enterprise 2FA to your ownCloud in 15 minutes

You can watch the video here.

Presentation at the Texas Linux Fest, USA

Topic: Migrating 2FA to a lasting solution

You can access the presentation here.

Presentation at the owncloud Conference

Topic: In the blink of an eye – with the swipe of a finger. Easy 2FA with privacyIDEA push token

You can access the presentation here.

Presentation at Kielux, Germany

Topic: Open Source 2FA – What’s the Status Quo? (German)

You can access the presentation here.

Presentation at the Linuxday in Dorbirn, Austria

Topic: Get rid of old habits – 2FA for real now!

You can access the presentation here.

Presentation at the Ohio Linux Fest

Topic: Two-Factor-Authentication everywhere

You can access the presentation here.

Presentation at Grazer Linuxtage, Austria

Topic: 2FA with privacyIDEA (German)

You can access the video recording here.

Presentation at the Linux Fest North West

Topic: Successful Two Factor Authentication is a matter of smooth workflows

You can access the video here.

Presentation at the FOSDEM in Brussels, Belgium

Topic: Enroll 2FA to thousands of users – automating processes with privacyIDEA

You can watch the video recording here.

Presentation at FrosCon, Germany

Thema: 2FA for LDAP (German)

You can find the video recording here.

Presentation at the Chemnitzer Linuxtage, Germany

Topic: MFA for 35000 user

You can find the video recording here.

Presentation at the Meta Rhein Main, Germany

Topic: Transparent MFA for hospitals (German)

You can watch the video recording here.

Presentation at the FrosCon, Germany

Topic: Multi-factor authentication at the pulse of time (German)

You can watch the video here.

Whitepaper zum Thema Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung mit Open Source

Kalman Cinkler (Rempartec GmbH)  und Cornelius Kölbel (NetKnights GmbH) arbeiten in der Working Group Security der Open Source Business Alliance. Gemeinsam haben Sie ein Whitepaper zum Thema Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung mit Open Source Komponenten verfasst.

Artikel zur Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung in der iX

Ein Artikel von Cornelius Kölbel zur Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung in Unternehmen erscheint in der Ausgabe 7/2016 der iX.

Presentation at the Chemnitzer Linuxtage, Germany

Topic: Strong key board: manage SSH keys with privacyIDEA (German)

You can watch the video recording here.

Presentation at the FrosCon, Germany

Topic: All mine! Secure access and data with privacyIDEA (German)

You can watch the video here.

Presentation at the Kieler Linuxtage, Germany

Topic: Your own two-factor system with privacyIDEA (German)

You can watch the video here.

Presentation at the T-Dose in Eindhoven, Netherlands

Topic: No need for Gemalto – Do it yourself! Open Source two factor authentication with privacyIDEA

You can watch the video recording here.


Presentation at the CCC Event in Dresden, Germany

Topic: Ensure identity – protect private data: Strong authentication with privacyIDEA (German)

You can watch the video here.


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