privacyIDEA Credential Provider version 2.5

Today we release the version 2.5 of the privacyIDEA Credential Provider. The privacyIDEA Credential Provider requires a user to login to the Windows desktop or terminal server using a 2nd factor. The user could use his smartphone with a smartphone app, a one time password token, a Yubikey or Nitrokey to authenticate. As an alternative the authentication backend can also send an Email or text message, containing a one time code, to the user for login.
World Wide Web Consortium is enrolling 2FA using privacyIDEA

Kassel, September, 26th 2017. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is implementing privacyIDEA for securing access to their infrastructure with a second factor. The privacyIDEA Authentication System was chosen due to its flexible nature and the possibility to allow a single sign on experience for the users. The services and especially the users are distributed […]