NetKnights presents Two-Factor solution privacyIDEA at business fair it-sa

NetKnights will again be exhibiting at the business fair it-sa in Nuremberg this year. From October 8th to 10th 2019, the who-is-who of German and international IT security providers will meet at the Nuremberg Exhibition Centre. Visitors will have the opportunity to get first-hand information about innovations and roadmaps of the security products. NetKnights will […]
NetKnights presents privacyIDEA at the ownCloud Conference

privacyIDEA, the two factor solution for ownCloud is presenting at the ownCloud Conference in September.
NetKnights presents 2FA system privacyIDEA at it-sa

NetKnights will present privacyIDEA at the business fair it-sa. Effective new features are Pre-Event-Handling and Monitoring and Statistics, which allow the administrator to define very specific workflows and autormate tasks.
You will find privacyIDEA at the stand of ownCloud in Hall 10.0-428 – adding enterprise grade 2FA to file sync and share.