4. May 2017

Multi Factor Authentication with privacyIDEA at ownCloud X Event

On May 23rd ownCloud introduces ownCloud X to their customers. ownCloud invites you to their   release event in Cologne. NetKnights will be there, too and preset how you can easily add two factor authentication with privacyIDEA via the new ownCloud Marketplace. This is a great way to protect your data with a centrally managed multi factor authentication system.

Cornelius Kölbel will give a talk to give some first impressions on the possibilities of such a central multi factor solution for your companies employees. In the meeting area we will have a demo point with such a two factor authentication at ownCloud X against privacyIDEA. You can come, ask and try it yourself. Several different devices like Yubikey, U2F, OTP-Token, Smartphones or Smartdisplayer-Cards can be used for authentication.

We are looking forward to your visit.

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13. March 2025
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